Who is Sheldon Small?


June 28th 1993, let’s start here...

Born on the beautiful island of Barbados my passion to see the world and share my talent was propelled by my fondest of childhood experiences.Like most Caribbean guys, I was raised in church and you can say it was there where my love for acting began. I remember being the ‘little drummer’ boy in our annual Christmas production and also being selected for a central role in a locally produced and televised production back home called, ‘Where is He Now?’ My love for the performing arts was homegrown and unquestionably intrinsic, so when I moved to Canada to study engineering, my ambition to become a professional actor simply won me over.


Greatness is determined by a drive and a will to win.

- Kevin Hart


I’ve had the pleasure of expressing to people on many occasions that even though in a few months I will be graduating with a degree in engineering, I still choose acting. This is how I try to explain it: Being an engineer has the scope to be professionally and financially rewarding and that is expected. My dream of building a business as a successful actor will be personally gratifying because it’s what I love and where I come from that is not expected. I want to inspire a movement of using what you are skilled at to create something new and unexpected. I want to be an example for other young people who look like me to see that in this life, as long as you are determined to work hard, you can win at being anything.

I’ve also worked on a few major projects while in Canada such as a blue jays commercial and ultimate ears, as well as some self-produced and written short films which I will continue to feature here as well as on my social media platforms (@donsmall246). I’d love if you share your thoughts, keep in touch and follow me on this very exciting journey!
